What Does a Sleep Coach Do?

For new parents, settling your baby into a decent sleep schedule can be exhausting. And if you turn to friends, parent groups, baby books, or your pediatrician for advice, it may seem like they all have something different to say. What can you do?
If you’re considering hiring a sleep specialist to help you and your baby, but you’re not sure what you’re actually hiring them to do, read on.
What is a sleep coach?
A baby sleep coach may have other names: sleep specialist, sleep consultant, or sleep training expert. Whatever their title may be, a sleep specialist typically works with families to help their baby fall asleep and stay asleep. The sleep training method may vary depending on the sleep specialist. Some will examine your baby’s sleep habits and health history. Others will analyze your baby’s feeding schedule and nutrition. A sleep coach’s methods may depend on their past experience with other clients, their own children, or their education and training.
To get the best help for you and your baby, you want a sleep specialist who has a lot of experience working with many families, not just someone who has worked with her own family or a handful of others. Each baby is different, which is why experience is so important!
What is working with a sleep coach like?
Every sleep coach is different, especially since there are many different methods of sleep training out there. When you first contact a baby sleep consultant, in some cases they may ask you to do a sleep study with your baby in a pediatric sleep office, which may rule out sleep disorders. However, most baby sleep consultants will work with you in your home where the family is most comfortable.
Many sleep coaches will ask you to answer questions about your baby and family before visiting your home. Then, they’ll create a feeding and sleep schedule for you to implement. With Sleep by Rachelle, your baby’s sleep cycles are used to create a customized sleep program. Rachelle also looks at your baby’s digestive system and nervous system in order to create a comprehensive sleep plan, which not all sleep coaches do. She also takes your family’s individual needs and habits into account. Most importantly, Rachelle knows that it’s not easy listening to your baby cry: Sleep by Rachelle’s sleep training method is gentle for both baby and parents. Giving a voice to your baby to help clear up the confusion around night wakes.
Interested? Schedule a complimentary sleep assessment.
How do I know it’s time to hire a sleep coach?
If you’re reading this, you’re probably already considering hiring one. Some other signs you’re ready for a sleep coach include:
- You and your partner have experienced so many sleepless nights that it’s affecting your daytime routine. You feel like a zombie.
- Your baby is at least 4 months old and doesn’t show any signs of a health condition related to sleeping (that you should bring up with your pediatrician.)
- You’ve tried working through your baby’s sleep struggles, but you can’t seem to get past it.
- You’re overwhelmed by all the conflicting opinions about sleep training methods.
- You’re not sure how your baby’s feeding habits are affecting their sleep schedule.
- You’ve tried one sleep training method before, but you didn’t like it.
- You’re ready to try one approach and stick with it, but you’re not sure which to choose.
Do some of these signs sound familiar? If so, you’re ready for an experienced sleep coach to help ease your stress. Get in touch with Sleep by Rachelle to learn more about your customized sleep program. We’re here for you.