What is an Au Pair?

When it comes to childcare for your baby, there are many available options. Many families utilize babysitters, nannies, and family members to watch their children while they work or have adult time. Another option that has grown in popularity over the years is an au pair.
What is an au pair?
An au pair is a helper from another country who works for and lives with the host family. An au pair may take on a share of the family responsibilities for childcare and housework and may also receive a monetary allowance for personal use.
Au pairs differ from nannies because they have more restrictions. Au pairs are generally young adult females with a high school graduate degree or equivalent. They also usually have some concept of the host family’s language, and they are fully insured, including medical, travel, and accidental death coverage. Au pairs are often also committed to a specific time with the host family, such as a year or two years.
Au pairs have a lot to offer when compared to traditional daycare because they provide your child with a dedicated caregiver. They can also be a better alternative to nannies because they can expose your child to a different culture and allow your child to experience the diversity in the world.
If you are interested in a unique childcare experience, you may be interested in hiring an au pair. An au pair is a young woman from a foreign country who stays with a host family and assist them with childcare and work around the home. Au pairs can provide a unique and rewarding experience for the host family and the worker, and it is a great way to expose both to a unique cultural experience.