How to Diagnose Baby Cries

Newborns spend up to three hours a day crying, and while this is normal, it can be rather distressing for parents and babies. Sometimes babies cry for no obvious reason, but most of the time, they’re trying to tell you something about their needs through their tears.
How to diagnose baby cries
It’s normal for a baby to cry when hungry, thirsty, tired, lonely, or in pain. It’s also normal for babies to be fussy in the evenings or when it’s time for a nap. However, how do you diagnose what each cry means?
After a few weeks, you will be better at diagnosing what your baby’s cries mean, but there are some tips and tricks to help you develop an ear for the different types of cries a baby can have. Usually, when a baby is ready to eat, they will make a short, low-pitched cry that rises and falls. At this point, you can offer breastmilk or a bottle to see if it helps, but sometimes they will make this cry when they want to nurse for comfort.
Babies also cry when they are exhausted, and if your baby has eaten recently and doesn’t need a diaper change, they are probably ready for a nap. The best way to get your baby to go to sleep is by swaddling them or taking them for a walk or car ride.
If your baby is in pain, then their cry will be piercing and grating. The baby may also arch their back and thrash. If the pain is from gas, your baby may bring their knees up to their chest and grunt. A solution for this kind of pain is to allow your baby to suck on a pacifier or breastfeed because the sucking reflex can calm your baby.
For newborns, crying is completely normal, but if you feel like your baby is crying too much or you’re concerned about the types of cries your baby is expressing, you should use your best judgment and consider taking your baby to your pediatrician.